Let Us Pray To The Lord!
Lord, Have Mercy!
O’ CHRIST our true loving God, who came into the world to save us, and lead us back into Thy Kingdom, forgive us, who have sinned before Thee, and Thy people. Look upon us with love, and with mercy! Help us to love one another as Thou has taught us and grant us strength to bare our Cross. Do not cast us away from Thy face, nor be angry with us because of our many sins, but redeem us from pride. In that Thou has anointed us with Thy holy Oil, and the water of holy Baptism,and grants us Thy holy Communion, be ever so merciful unto us who loveThee. Amen!
Let us all remember to humbly pray to the HOLY ROYAL MARTYRS, AND THE NEW MARTYRS OF RUSSIA. As we all struggle for our salvation.
O Merciful, Loving God!
Forgive us as we have in our human weakness sinned before Thee,
In the merciful slaughter of the night of Thy beloved family,
The Passion-bearers Nicholas and Alexandra
And the innocents Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei,
Renew in us O’God Thy love and forgiveness,
That we may all walk once again on the path of salvation,
Lift up Thy hands O God,
Against pride, against the things which we have wickedly done in Thy sight,
Greet They beloved royal martyred family within Thy Kingdom on our behalf whom we love,
Asking them to interceed and to pray for us,
Judge us not O God to whom at the King of ages,
And to Whom belongs all Glory, Honor and Worship unto the ages of ages.
A Prayer In Honor Of The Holy Royal Martyr Grand Duchess Olga
Written by Father Nektarios Serfes
O precious Grand Duchess and Passion-Bearer Olga, your life was blessed with prayer, with gracious faith, and an undying hope that was shared by others who too found Holy Martyrdom.
Your thoughts and concerns became an deep inspiration, and a means of knowing the true reality of bearing one’s Cross, and enduring the persecution spoken of by our Lord.
Your life has given us the desire to take up our Cross with love, and turn to our God who also loves us all. Your love for Russia and its devout followers of Christ our Lord has opened the Kingdom of Heaven to those who struggle to behold the spiritual beauty of our Loving God.
Pray for us who cry unto you before the Throne of our Gracious God, to forgive us and to learn about love. Amen.
A Prayer On Behalf Of The Child-Martyr Crown Prince Alexis of Russia
Written by Father Nektarios Serfes
Let us Pray, To The Lord:
Out of the depths of my heart I cried unto Thee, O Lord,
Who came into the World to save us,
Be ever-merciful until us all,
Look at us not in judgement,
At the killing and persecution of Thy amirable and innocent Child-Martyr Alexis,
Who truly agonized in illness, and who loved all and cared for all,
Who was pure, and lifted up his sweet innocent soul to Thee in prayer,
Forgive us, who has been patient with all our sins,
to grant merciful peace to us all, and to all those who love Thee -Forgiveness! Rejoice, O’ Child-Martyr Alexis, we who cry unto thee,
to pray for us poor sinners, and all children!
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